Young people helped make improvements to Hearing rooms across Scotland.
A number of Hearing rooms have recently been given a makeover to try and increase the participation of children and young people in their Hearings.
Nine of SCRA’s Hearing rooms have been given a fresh look with input from local young people and Children’s Hearings are now being held in the new look rooms.
The rooms now have bright, comfy chairs with low coffee tables, rather than the traditional large Hearing room table. The rooms have also been brightened up with eye catching wall art.
Sophie Henderson, who is a Modern Apprentice with SCRA, was involved in the revamp of one of the Hearing rooms in Stirling. She said: “I think having the big table gone makes the Hearing room feel more relaxed. The room seems more comfortable now and hopefully will help children and young people feel less nervous and more at ease. I’m happy the rooms are being changed and I’ve had the chance to be involved.”
SCRA’s Participation Officer, Jennifer Orren, added: “We are absolutely delighted that young people have led the improvements to our Hearing rooms. The changes make a real and visible difference to the experience of children, young people and families attending Children’s Hearings.”