SCRA regularly reviews its information materials so that they remain relevant to young people, appealing and easy to understand. Our ‘Your Rights’ flyer is the latest leaflet to have a revamp.
Aimed specifically at providing rights based information to children and young people during their time of involvement with the Children’s Hearings System, the information in the ‘Your Rights’ flyer covers rights in a Hearing, where to get more information, and how to complain.
Some of SCRA’s Modern Apprentices, who are also Hearings experienced, helped contribute to the review, to ensure the revised leaflet is child and young person friendly.
With new colours and a brighter look, the flyer will continue to be sent out with Hearing notification letters, be included in Pre-Hearing packs for children and young people, and made available in Hearing centres.
Jennifer Orren, SCRA’s Participation Officer, said: “We are very glad to have our Modern Apprentices involved in this review as they bring a very necessary perspective to the process.
“In line with our aims and responsibilities as a Corporate Parent, we ask ourselves if the way that we do things is the best that it can be. Focusing on our information materials is one way of helping to achieve this.”
If you want or need more information, this website has a dedicated section called ‘Your rights in the Hearings System’ which can be found here.