SCRA’s Going to Court flyer for young people has been revamped and reprinted.
The A5 flyer is aimed at young people who have to go to court as part of Children’s Hearings proceedings.
It contains information about who will be a court, what might happen and where to get more information.
The flyer has been reviewed with input from some of SCRA’s Modern Apprentices who have experience of the Hearings System.
Modern Apprentice Sophie Henderson, who was involved in redeveloping the flyer, said: “I think it is a good option for children and young people who may need to attend Court.
“It has lots of information on it and it’s clear and easy to understand. It’s also got nice colours and looks attractive.”
Further information about going to court can be found in the Young People section of SCRA’s website. There is also a general section about going to court which you can view in the About SCRA section of the website.