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Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, all SCRA offices and Hearing centres remain closed.

If you have a Hearing in the next few weeks, please do not come to the Hearing centre. You should have received a letter from your Reporter, explaining that we are now holding all Children’s Hearings virtually.

This means that all Hearings are being held using a video and/or audio link, and at this stage usually only involves Panel Members and the Reporter.

We are trying to arrange for children, young people and relevant persons to be able to attend Hearings by video and we are looking at the best way to do this.  We will update this message as soon as these services become available.

It is still really important to us that we hear from you and so in the meantime, children and young people and parents/carers can still provide their views. You can do this by:

  • Emailing it to the local team mailbox (this will be in your letter about your Hearing). Please include the date and time of the Hearing, the initials of the child or young person whose Hearing it is in your email. This is very important to ensure that the information can get passed on. The Reporter will then give the information to the Panel Members. 
  • You can contact an advocacy service to provide us with your views on your behalf. Or, if you are in a residential unit, staff might be able to help you by advocating for you. The advocate can contact the Reporter before the Hearing and submit your views and these will be shared with the Panel Members at your Hearing. The advocate will be able to provide your views on your behalf. Please check advocacy services in your area or ask the Reporter or your Social Worker.
  • You can contact a lawyer through the Scottish Legal Aid Board. The lawyer can contact the Reporter before the Hearing and submit your views and these will be shared with the Panel Members at your Hearing. They may be able to represent you at the Children’s Hearing, and submit your views on your behalf through video conferencing. You can find out more here.

We have started testing the video technology that we are using for virtual Children’s Hearings with more people and you may be contacted before your Hearing to see if you or your representative can take part in your virtual Hearing. If this is possible, you will be contacted before your Hearing to test whether we will be able to link you into the video conferencing.

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