A further six Hearing rooms will be revamped between now and the spring.
This is part of corporate parent, SCRA’s ongoing programme to make Hearing rooms more child and young people friendly with softer furnishings and no big tables!
This year, Hearing rooms in Ayr, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Paisley, Selkirk and Thurso will be given a make-over. This is the fourth collection of rooms to be designed in the new look style which was led by Hearings-experienced young people.
The portfolio is made up of three different routes: a garden theme with soft greens, a Scottish seascape theme with mauves and blues, and a fresh open-room type theme with pale yellows and blues. None of the new look rooms have large tables, and they are colourful and more spacious.
The new rooms will be completed by the end of March 2021.
SCRA’s Participation Officer Jennifer Orren said: “Once this next phase is complete, we will have updated 27 Hearing rooms with no large table and a variety of comfortable seating options. We’ve also included new play areas for younger children, and plants and natural lighting where we can.
“We know this makes a massive difference to participation and people feeling more comfortable in the Hearing room. We know there is still work to be done, but we are getting there!”