Corporate Parent SCRA has been awarded the Care Conscious Employer award. 

To mark the 10 year anniversary of the Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 Act, Who Cares? Scotland hosted the first ever Corporate Parenting Awards. 

The award was in recognition of SCRA’s Modern Apprentice and paid for work experience programmes which aim to give care and Hearings-experienced young people employment opportunities. 

Taylor McPhee, a recent graduate of the Modern Apprentice programme collected the award on behalf of SCRA.

Neil Hunter from SCRA said: “This is brilliant recognition for all SCRA staff and for all of the young people who have joined our organisation as Modern Apprentices, many of whom remain with us today, are making careers in our organisation and of whom we are rightly very proud. 

“This organisation over a decade or so ago set out to play our part in helping Hearings-experienced young people with training and employment opportunities. The fact that the programme continues to exist and is going strong today is testament to the focus and determination of our staff who have coached, mentored, supported and gone way above and beyond to make this a success. 

“The fact that this award comes from an assessment made by a panel of care experienced young people makes it all the more special.”

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