Experts by Experience is Corporate Parent, Children’s Hearings Scotland’s national participation group, for children and young people, aged 14-25, with current or recent lived experience of the Hearings System.

The group meets four times a year (roughly every three months) and Experts will be paid. These are informal development meetings where you can help to shape our work by sharing your views and ideas, make decisions on what matters to the group and learn new skills.

There will also be other opportunities you can get involved in throughout the year. Some of these opportunities may need extra time and you might have to read or prepare things in advance. For these types of opportunities, you can receive additional payment.

You don’t need to have any specific skills or knowledge to apply – your passion and experience is enough! The group is fully supported by staff members of the Participation Team at CHS.

If you are interested there is a flyer and more detail is available in this information pack.

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