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Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) and the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA)

Both Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) and the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) are public bodies created by law. Both organisations have very distinct roles in the Children’s Hearings System.

What does CHS do?


Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) has a number of responsibilities, including:

  • The recruitment and appointment of volunteer Panel Members (these are volunteers who sit on children’s hearings and make decisions with, and for, infants, children and young people) and Area Support Team Members (these are volunteers who help to support and guide Panel Members in their local areas).
  • Training and development for all volunteers and staff.
  • Ensuring that volunteers are up to date on latest legislation and relevant practice.
  • Providing support to 9 Regional Area Support Teams across Scotland.
  • Working with infants, children, young people, and partner organisations, to make the Children’s Hearings System the best it can be.

What does SCRA do?

SCRA has a number of responsibilities, including:

  • Make effective decisions about a need to refer a child/young person to a Children’s Hearing.
  • Prepare for and participate in court proceedings where statement of grounds or Hearings findings are appealed and ensure the wellbeing of children and young people – particularly vulnerable witnesses – are protected throughout the court process.
  • Support Panel Members (although we are not involved in making Hearing decisions) and ensure fair process in Hearings.
  • Enable children, young people and families to participate in Hearings.
  • Publish information and data to influence, inform and reassure.
  • Provide premises for Hearings to take place.
  • Work collaboratively with partners to support and facilitate the Getting it Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) agenda.
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