Care Experienced Week 2019

Care Experienced Week 2019

As Care Experienced Week 2019 comes to an end, SCRA’s staff in Glasgow raised more than £130 for Who Cares? Scotland. SCRA organised a fundraising coffee morning on Friday 25 October at our office in Bell Street, with the money raised going to the advocacy charity...
Making Hearings better

Making Hearings better

Over the last year, people in the Children’s Hearings System have been working to make things better for children and young people. People who work in the system, including social work, Panel Members, Children’s Reporters and the Scottish Government signed up to a...
New film for young people with autism

New film for young people with autism

SCRA has launched a new short film today aimed at helping young people with autism attending Children’s Hearings.A young person from the charity Reach for Autism stars in the film which is now available online.SCRA has been working with the charity for the past year...
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