Hearing rooms get a face lift

Hearing rooms get a face lift

Another three Hearing rooms have been given a fresh look. Work is now complete on SCRA’s latest round of improvements to our Hearing centres.Three rooms have been given a makeover – Bellshill, Dalkeith and Falkirk.Hearings-experienced young people worked with interior...
Launch of sensory toolkit

Launch of sensory toolkit

To mark World Autism Week which takes place this week, SCRA has launched a pilot sensory toolkit. The toolkit is now available at our Hearing centre in Glasgow city centre. The toolkit will be available in other Hearing centres across the country later this spring. We...
Our Hearings, Our Voice gets going!

Our Hearings, Our Voice gets going!

Young people from across Scotland came together for the second time for Our Hearings, Our Voice’s latest event.‘Our Hearings, Our Voice Gets Going Day’ was held on Saturday 9 February at the Studio in Glasgow city centre. It was a great venue for our second event and...
Purple Friday celebrations

Purple Friday celebrations

SCRA took part in Purple Friday 2019 celebrations on Friday 22 February.This is the second year SCRA has taken part in Purple Friday activities. Purple Friday is a day to stand against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and show our support for LGBT equality. The...
Hearing room revamp

Hearing room revamp

Another three Hearing rooms are getting a face lift.As part of SCRA’s ongoing commitment to improve Hearing rooms, work has started this week on the latest round of improvements.Three rooms are being given a makeover – Bellshill, Dalkeith and...
Supporting Care Day 2019

Supporting Care Day 2019

Staff from across SCRA are marking Care Day 2019 in a number of ways.Today Friday 15 February, some staff are wearing pink or red, and decorating offices, including Hearing suites and window displays. In addition, a number of SCRA staff will join in the Carelidh which...
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